Welcome to PTC Clinical Trials!

To clinical trial participants – we thank you!  You make clinical research and new medical treatments possible!

Mother hugging a child

What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials video preview

A clinical trial is a research study used to validate a new treatment or therapy in volunteers young and old. Through clinical trials, researchers and healthcare professionals are able to determine if a treatment is safe and effective, and how it can be used to treat a specific disease or condition.

Watch the video above to learn more about what is involved in a clinical trial, and why they are so important.

Why Participate in a Clinical Trial?

Why participate in clinical trial video preview

By participating in a clinical trial, you are taking an active role in the development and approval of new medicines and treatments. People who volunteer in clinical trials provide the medical community with valuable research and data that helps to facilitate the development of new and potentially life-saving therapies.

Watch the video above for more information about why to participate in a clinical trial.